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Hedge Fund Industry Marks End of Busy Year for Deals

January 7, 2013

In 2012, large deals in the funds-of-funds segment of the hedge fund industry became a regular occurrence as fund managers sought out bigger partners in order to maintain their position in a difficult economy. According to Pensions and Investments, five of the top twenty-five hedge funds-of-funds managers have changed their ownership structure this year. This […]

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Hedge Funds Cut Costs while Facing Fee Pressures

December 31, 2012

The hedge fund industry as well as traditional asset management is beginning to implement lower cost structures as economic uncertainty and increasing pressure from clients over fees weighs on their business. Unfortunately for hedge funds, the reality of continuing under the 2 percent plus 20 percent of returns fee structure is quickly coming to an […]

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Hedge Fund Investors Head for the Exits

December 3, 2012

Those in the industry have come to appreciate the volatility in hedge fund investment, particularly the “moodiness” of investors. One month hedge funds are the answer to low fixed income yields, the next month they are an alternative investment class with potentially harmful tax consequences. While the core investors in hedge funds have remained committed, […]

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European Regulators Target Hedge Funds with Risky Rules

November 26, 2012

In what is becoming a fairly predictable trend, leading financial regulators are considering tightening regulations to limit global financial risk. However, recently proposed rules coming from the European Union may actually have a destabilizing impact on financial markets, despite the intention of the rules to decrease the risk that any specific institution may become too […]

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The Value of Hedge Fund Regulations Questioned

November 19, 2012

After the 2008 stock market collapse, hedge funds faced increased oversight and regulation by financial authorities around the world. This not unexpected, as hedge funds can be amongst the riskiest investment classes in the market, though this is certainly not always true. Nonetheless, the industry as a whole was painted by the same brush, causing […]

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Small Hedge Funds Lead the Industry

November 12, 2012

The debate around what comprises the “secret sauce” of hedge fund investing was ramped up to another level with the recent release of a PerTrac software study. As reported in the Financial Times, the controversial study suggested that small hedge funds, generally with less than $100 million in assets, outperformed both mid sized and large […]

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