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The Hedge Fund Industry Has an Ally in European Parliament

January 28, 2013

The growing pressure that the hedge fund industry is facing from regulators and the few individuals that have been willing to stand against the political tide were featured in a recent piece by the Financial News. Syed Kamall is a member of the European Parliament, representing London, one of the hedge fund centers of the […]

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Hedge Funds Increase Risk Management Capabilities

January 21, 2013

Since the financial crisis that began in 2007, increased volatility has become the new normal when it comes to managing portfolios. Somewhat surprisingly, the leaders in taking risk have not always put a priority on risk management, placing much of the responsibility with brokers. However, that position seems to be changing, according to a recent […]

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Equity Hedge Funds Look to Earn Their Fees in 2013

January 14, 2013

After sluggish performance over the past several years, investors in equity hedge funds are certainly hoping for better results in the year ahead. According to Barron’s, over the last three years, equity hedge funds have averaged a return of only 3.42 percent. This is less than half the return investors in fixed income funds experienced, […]

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Hedge Fund Industry Marks End of Busy Year for Deals

January 7, 2013

In 2012, large deals in the funds-of-funds segment of the hedge fund industry became a regular occurrence as fund managers sought out bigger partners in order to maintain their position in a difficult economy. According to Pensions and Investments, five of the top twenty-five hedge funds-of-funds managers have changed their ownership structure this year. This […]

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Hedge Funds Cut Costs while Facing Fee Pressures

December 31, 2012

The hedge fund industry as well as traditional asset management is beginning to implement lower cost structures as economic uncertainty and increasing pressure from clients over fees weighs on their business. Unfortunately for hedge funds, the reality of continuing under the 2 percent plus 20 percent of returns fee structure is quickly coming to an […]

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Hedge Fund Industry Seeks Out Friendlier Jurisdictions

December 24, 2012

Throughout much of the Western world, the hedge fund industry has been targeted by governments that have been active in imposing additional regulations across the financial industry. After gaining a reputation as a source of some of the biggest bets and most reckless risk taking in the lead up to the financial crisis, hedge funds […]

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Hedge Funds Become a Leading Asset Class for Institutional Investors

December 17, 2012

While hedge funds have suffered publicly in terms of reputation since the financial crisis, portfolio managers have a different view of the asset class. Over the past several years, institutional investors have been feeling the pain of historically low fixed income yields. Pension funds, trusts and endowments are struggling to earn minimum hurdle rates in order to […]

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