Crafting a Hedge Fund Job Resume

It should go without saying that your resume must be impeccably formatted, free of any spelling or grammatical mistakes, and visually pleasing. When hedge fund managers are going through the pile of resumes that cross their desk, they are just as often looking for reasons to reject a candidate and move on to the next. Don’t give them those reasons with a careless spelling or formatting mistake. Have someone else, or a professional proofreader, go over your resume. It’s often difficult to spot mistakes after you’ve revised a document a dozen times.

Your resume should be easy to scan and, like investment banking resumes, have a high density of information in a small amount of space. There is no reason for your resume to be more than one page. In fact, a longer resume probably shows you haven’t spent enough time whittling things down to the most crucial information. You should pare down your experience to no more than five bullet points per job. Emphasize the work you have done or the skills learned that directly relate to the hedge fund job you are going after.

You should demonstrate your character and integrity by not exaggerating claims made in your achievements section. And by accounting for every bit of time (no gaps) since you graduated from university.

And yes, there should be a short personal section at the bottom of your resume that brings a touch of your personality to the picture. Here you can mention any special skills you might have, such as fluency in a foreign language, contests or championships you’ve won, passions and hobbies.

For a good selection of hedge fund resumes to review and model, we recommend you pick up a copy of Claude Schwab’s book, Hedge Me: The Insider’s Guide: U.S. Hedge Fund Careers, from Lynx Media.


Schwab, Claude. Hedge Me: The Insider’s Guide: U.S. Hedge Fund Careers. Lynx Media. / Bradley CVs Ltd.

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