Hedge Fund Assistant Portfolio Manager Job in San Francisco

As institutional investors turn away from small funds, but remain interested in the hedge fund asset class, major employers like this one are somewhat insulated from the bad weather. This very large investment firm, based in San Francisco, is hiring for its US and Global Equity Group. The excerpts from the job description published here spell out the responsibilities of the position in detail. We’ve truncated the description of desired qualifications a little bit, while retaining the main idea. Helpfully detailed job posts are characteristic of large firms, which tend to have dedicated in-house HR people.

The group manages a large number of funds across mandates (long-short, long-only and partial long-short) and breadth levels (from global large-cap to focused industry-specific funds). This position will play a large role in the day-to-day management and the development agenda for one or more of the funds.

• Construction and backtesting of new signals, portfolio level backtesting, data aggregation, incorporating new t-cost and risk models and fundamental research into stock characteristics at both the broad and narrow levels (including industry-specific research)
• Portfolio re-balancing, submitting trade lists, performance attribution, regular performance commentaries, and daily monitoring of portfolio positions
• Work with other members of the team in assisting in possible extension strategies, particularly the expansion of existing stock-selection ideas across a larger set of industries

• MS or PhD in Finance. (Hard science considered assuming some industry experience.) CFA preferred
• 3+ years experience in portfolio management or equivalent sell-side research environment

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