Posts tagged as:

Hedge Funds

Asian Markets Continue to Struggle

April 15, 2013

While many global economies have reported economic upturns over the past two years, five years after the 2008 financial downturn, Asian hedge funds and Asian private equity investments continue to struggle. Since so many Asian hedge funds have not met their performance goals, countless managers have left the industry entirely, creating many new hedge fund […]

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Hedge Fund Industry Sees Signs of Recovery

July 23, 2012

Over the past several years, the hedge fund industry has struggled to grow, with market uncertainties pushing investors towards safer and more liquid asset classes. In many cases, investors are scared away from hedge funds by media sources that paint all hedge funds with the same brush, labeling them as speculative investment classes. Redemptions Down […]

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High Profile Wall Street Bankers Head to Hedge Funds

July 2, 2012

The Volcker Rule is a specific section in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act that prohibits proprietary trading by United States Banks and restricts these banks from sponsoring or investing in hedge funds. Banks will have to fully comply with the Volcker Rule by July 21, 2014 and this is impacting the […]

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Hedge Fund Career Opportunity Regulatory Compliance

June 11, 2012

Globally, regulators have been working towards a G20 agenda of introducing new registration and reporting rules for hedge fund managers. Both the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) in the European Union and the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act in the United States are seeking to enhance the flow of information from […]

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Marketing Jobs and Hedge Funds

August 5, 2009

Many successful hedge fund firms reach a size where they can hire a dedicated marketing professional. This person helps promote the firm’s principals, investment philosophy and track record through a variety of marketing activities including: 1) Supervising the design and content of the firm’s website, which may include bios of the principals, articles, white papers, […]

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Hedge Fund Jobs – Marketing

August 3, 2009

In addition to the more familiar job roles within a hedge fund such as analyst, principal and portfolio manager, there are professionals who help hedge funds find new investors and assist in marketing the firm. While financial experience is helpful for these marketing jobs, the firm would more likely be looking for marketing experience, particularly […]

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Other Resources for Your Hedge Fund Job Search

July 15, 2009

BLOGS AND COMMUNITIES is an online strategic information service for the asset management and hedge fund industries.  Like a research firm, we immerse ourselves in the latest academic research, scan the headlines and provide subscribers with what we think they need to know as the asset management industry enters a period of rapid evolution.  […]

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