Posts tagged as:

hedge fund career

Hedge Fund Jobs – Portfolio Manager

May 4, 2009

Hedge fund managers or portfolio managers as they are often called, have great latitude in the investment direction of the assets (see Hedge Fund Investment Strategies in this blog). For this reason, managers must be highly-skilled in buying and shorting across multiple asset classes. The educational background of portfolio managers varies, but it is common […]

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Hedge Fund Jobs: Analyst

April 20, 2009

Those who are just starting their career in finance and who want to enter the exciting world of hedge funds often begin with a job as an investment analyst. A hedge fund analyst typically has a well-developed passion for following the stock and bond markets and likes to develop ideas on the direction of the […]

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The Advantages of a Fund of Funds Strategy

April 15, 2009

Last time, we looked at what funds of funds (FoFs) are, and the two most common approaches: multi-strategy and multi-manager funds. Today, we’ll look at the overall advantages and disadvantages of the category. Advantages Relatively low minimum investment levels. A fund of funds does not have to limit itself to accredited investors (investors with a […]

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Hedge Fund Strategies: Funds of Funds

April 14, 2009

Hedge funds once catered to the ultra-wealthy and required “qualified investors” with $1 million in net worth or $250,000 or more in liquid assets to invest, as a minimum. As the category became more competitive and saturated, hedge fund managers sought creative ways to bring in funds from the merely affluent. One way to do this […]

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Why Invest in Managed Futures?

April 9, 2009

Last time, we looked at what managed futures are, and the commodity trading advisors (CTAs) that operate these types of hedge funds. Today we’ll look at why a qualified or institutional investor would want to use them. Managed futures have historically shown a very low correlation with more traditional asset classes such as stocks and […]

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Hedge Fund Strategies: Managed Futures

April 7, 2009

When you think of futures, you may think of the famous Chicago Mercantile Exchange, and dozens of traders screaming out orders for commodities such as soybeans, pork bellies or grains. While these commodities are part of the futures market, today’s futures traders generally focus more on financial products such as interest rates, equity indexes, precious […]

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Hedge Fund Arbitrage Strategies

March 26, 2009

Last time we looked at what arbitrage is: profiting from small prices differences in securities or between markets. Today we’ll look at some of the more common ways hedge fund managers use arbitrage to make profitable trades in hedge fund jobs. Arbitrageurs use leverage, short-selling, derivatives and synthetic securities (matching one asset with a combination […]

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