From the category archives:


Hedge Funds Become a Leading Asset Class for Institutional Investors

December 17, 2012

While hedge funds have suffered publicly in terms of reputation since the financial crisis, portfolio managers have a different view of the asset class. Over the past several years, institutional investors have been feeling the pain of historically low fixed income yields. Pension funds, trusts and endowments are struggling to earn minimum hurdle rates in order to […]

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Hedge Fund Returns Declining, Risk Taking Up

October 15, 2012

The first three quarters of 2012 have been rather weak for the hedge fund industry, posting returns of 3.04 percent, when compared to the relative strength of the S&P 500 index, which returned 13.97 percent over the same period. Mary Ann Bartels, an analyst with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, told the Financial Post that […]

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Working with Recruiters

February 20, 2012

Many firms in the financial industry use recruiting agencies to help them fill positions. Recruiters are third-party companies employed by the hiring firm to sort through the hundreds of applicants to find those that will be just the right fit for the hiring firm. Because recruiting agencies are independent of the hiring firm, they can […]

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Will Machines Take Over Hedge Fund Jobs?

April 4, 2011

The Atlantic offers an outstanding article on the rise of the “quants” and how their machines are taking over hedge fund jobs. It profiles Cliff Asness, founder of Applied Quantitative Research in Greenwich, CT, one of the world’s leading quant-fund managers. AQR took as big a hit during the financial crisis as did other funds, […]

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A Hedge Fund Star at Age 30

January 3, 2011

Money magazine recently profiled hedge fund star Cara Goldenberg, who at 30 years old, is the founder and managing partner of Permian Investment Partners, a New York hedge fund she launched in 2008. Goldenberg is unique in that she didn’t follow the usual analyst-business school route to a hedge fund job. She did begin her […]

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Advice on Getting a Hedge Fund Job

July 26, 2010

A rather lame article appeared in Forbes about getting a job at a hedge fund, filled with such trite advice as “get ready to be aggressive about networking” and “design your search strategy to fit the hyper pressurized, risk-taking culture” of hedge funds. It is our contention here at HedgeFundDigest that to get a job […]

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Third-Party Marketers and Hedge Funds

July 12, 2010

The SEC has reversed its position and will now allow public pension fund managers to hire third-party marketers (3PMs) that are registered as investment advisors or broker-dealers. However, the new rule prohibits a 3PM from providing advisory services for two years if the advisor, or employees from the firm, make a political contribution to an […]

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