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Hedge Fund Jobs Interview Question: Hats and a Blind Man

April 4, 2008

Interviews for hedge fund jobs … We don’t want you to get blind sided by this question. It’s a good one. Q: Inside of a dark closet are five hats: three blue and two red. Three smart men go into the closet, and each selects a hat in the dark and places it unseen upon […]

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Dimon is Playing the Bear Stearns Deal Perfectly

March 25, 2008

JPMorgan’s CEO, James Dimon, is playing the markets, press and Bears Stearns investors perfectly. He knows exactly what he is doing and is executing with precision. Yesterday we learned that JPMorgan sweetened the deal now to $10 USD a share, up from a shocking $2 original bid. Dimon was quoted in the Wall Street Journal […]

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Hedge Fund Jobs Interview Question: The Macro Cube

March 24, 2008

Although you probably won’t be given a Rubik’s Cube to solve during your hedge fund job interview, you should be ready to solve a puzzle of some sort. Make sure you think through the question before jumping into an answer. And, for goodness’ sake, answer the question that is asked! Nothing decreases your chance of […]

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The Stearns Effect: Investment Banking and Hedge Fund Job Market

March 18, 2008

This morning wrote about the effect of Bear Stearns on the job market. “You commit yourself to a company, as many of these employees did and then one day, whammo…. all the workers, from the top down, saw themselves as part of a family….” This is a very similar situation to the thousands of […]

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Hedge Fund Jobs Interview Question: Do Your Socks Match?

March 10, 2008

Hedge fund job interviews are meant to test your ability to think on your feet. Before you draw any attention to your shoes, make sure they are polished and your socks match… Q: Let’s say you need to get up very early for an interview – in fact, before sunrise. You don’t want to wake […]

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The Power of the Quants

February 28, 2008

A recent Forbes article discusses how much control the quants are now wielding in the stock market.The article states that 70% of all equity volume is driven by computer models and that these models continue to trigger surges in buy or sell orders. Some 30% of all trades are being done in dark pools — […]

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The Global Macro Strategy is Back

February 19, 2008

An article in the Wall Street Journal today discusses how an old Hedge Fund strategy is back in favor. The Global Macro strategy is bets on economic trends in interest rates, global currencies and other instruments. Traders using the strategy have been winning big now that volatility has returned to the global market and interest […]

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