Looking for a Hedge Fund Job?

Richard Wilson has created one of the most visited web sites for those interested in the hedge fund industry over at HedgeFundBlogger.com. He has posted hundreds of articles about every facet of the industry. We hope to bring you more insights from Richard in the near future. In the meantime, we offer this advice from his site about preparing your resume for a hedge fund job interview.

There’s no perfect resume for a hedge fund job, Wilson says. Some hedge fund professionals have never even graduated from high school yet make over $1 million a year trading or selling for a particular fund. However, in most cases, there are a few factors that can help you land that coveted spot, including:

– Quantitative experience and abilities
– A CFA, CHA or CAIA designation
– Education — Ivy league background, an MBA or Quant-focused PhD
– Proof of loyalty, passion, and humility
– Something extra, such as PR expertise, asset gathering ability, or an information advantage
– High quality names from your last few hedge fund jobs will certainly help, such as large wirehouse experience
– And then results: how much money did you personally bring in to the firm or make for the firm in your last job?

In addition, Wilson says, you must have a stomach for a compensation structure that might be modest on salary and highly dependent on a performance-based commission or bonuses.

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