Grateful to Have Hedge Fund Jobs

Given the current state of the economy and financial markets, many hedge fund professionals are pleased to still be in the business and generally satisfied with their overall compensation. That’s one of the findings revealed by our recently completed 2008 Hedge Fund Jobs Digest Compensation Survey.

We received hedge fund compensation data directly from hundreds of hedge fund Portfolio Managers and employees from both large and small firms, including Bank of New York Mellon, Barclays Global Investors, Citigroup, Fountain Advisors LLC, HSBC, Kellogg Capital Group, Lansdowne Partners and many others.

The results show that these players in hedge fund jobs knew trouble was brewing on the horizon not long ago. And that 42% of them are happy with their current level of compensation – up from 25% last year. Despite no significant increase in compensation, there was a big increase in job satisfaction – an indication that, before Wall Street’s meltdown, hedge fund employees knew the market had shifted.

You can read the executive summary of the Compensation Survey at

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