Hedge Fund Jobs Interview Question: Common Sense and Archimedes’ Principle

A simple question of deduction that you might get asked in a hedge fund job interview.

A small boat is floating in a swimming pool. The boat contains a very small but very heavy rock. If the rock is tossed out of the boat into the pool, what happens to the water level in the pool?

First of all, “very small” is classic physics slang for very, very small (i.e., so small that it is a pinpoint mass). If the rock is tossed overboard, the water level falls as though water equal in mass to the mass of the rock is being sucked out of the pool. The rock forces the boat to displace the rock’s mass of water. After the rock is gone, the boat rises up, and the water level falls down (Archimedes’ Principle).

The next time you are washing dishes, try this experiment. With the sink half-full of water, float a drinking glass. Now drop a steel ball bearing gently into the glass. The glass sinks down, displacing a mass of water equal in mass to the mass of the ball bearing, and the water level rises. Now pluck the ball bearing from the glass, using a magnet. The reverse happens, the glass rises, and the water level falls as though water equal in mass to the mass of the ball bearing is being sucked out of the sink.

Special thanks for this interview question to Timothy Crack, author of Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Wall Street Job Interviews.

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Umesh March 3, 2009 at 10:34 am

The answer here is only half right. The question clearly mentions that ‘the rock is tossed out of the boat into the pool, what happens to the water level in the pool?’
so when the rock is tossed out of the pool into the pool, the boat has to rise, but the rock with mass is tossed into pool so the water inside the pool is displaced equal to the mass of the rock & the water level will rise back to the level it was before. Please correct me if I am principally wrong, here.

b April 27, 2009 at 2:58 am

Youre wrong. The rock is very small, so placing it into the pool will only create a marginal increase in water level. However, since its very heavy, the boat will rise up a lot causing the water level to decrease a lot, meaning that overall, the water level will drop

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